Friday, March 16, 2007

This is Why Ticketmaster Sucks

I went to buy 2 tickets for a small show today, and after all their ridiculous fees, Ticketmaster wanted to charge me twice the original ticket price.

I wanted to buy 2 tickets for The Haunted/Dark Tranquility show at the Gramercy in NY. The original ticket price is $16.50, just take a look at what Ticketmaster was going to charge me.
First of all, why is there a $6.10 "convenience" charge for each ticket? This alone seems like overcharging, but then they have to add another order processing charge. But the shipping charge is the worst. The show is only 10 days from now so they won't allow for standard shipping, which is stupid in itself because it won't take more then 3-4 days to mail 2 tickets. Plus, they aren't allowing me to print or pickup my tickets. Therefore the cheapest shipping method is UPS 3 day, which is a whopping $14.50. I don't know what they plan on shipping these tickets in, but that much for 2 pieces of paper is outrageous. This brought the total to $64.55, about double the face value of the tickets.

Needless to say, I didn't buy these, I'm just going to show up early and buy them at the box office. Good job, Ticketmaster.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Desktop Cube? How About Desktop Hexadecagon

Pretty much everyone these days knows about Beryl and its desktop cube, but did you know your cube can have as many as 16 sides? I sure didn't, and I'm guessing a lot of fellow Beryl users don't either. I just happened to stumble across this while playing with the settings and I thought it was pretty cool.

So this is what my desktop normally looks like, a pretty standard-looking desktop cube.

To add more desktops, just go into Beryl settings, general tab, scroll down and change the value of horizontal virtual size.

That's all you have to do! This is what happens when you max it out at 16 desktops. It won't let you zoom out far enough to see the whole thing, but you can get the idea. I'm not sure why you'd want that many, for the few minutes that I had that many I got quite confused where all my windows were, but you have to admit that looks pretty cool.

On the other hand, here is a 2 desktop plane.

3 Desktop triangle.

Here I have 8 desktops, plus I re-enabled the caps to show how the cap images are drawn.

So there you go, now instead of playing with your desktop cube, have fun spinning these around.

Friday, March 02, 2007


So I made this blogger account a while ago, I sorta used it to blog about some digg articles, then I stopped using it. I tried making my own blog, but its annoying and doesn't get as much bandwidth as these nice google blogs, so I'm coming back here and changing the format. From here on you'll be seeing only original articles written by myself.

Mainly I'm going to write about various tech stuff, digg related stuff, and atheism related stuff, becuase that's what I feel like writing about.

I will be posting here regularly, so stay tuned. I have a lot on my mind